Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

January 1st - the time when all our best intentions are alive and well. Do you make resolutions? I never used to, until a couple of years ago when I resolved to stop putting on makeup while driving. I kept it up for about 5 months. And then I had children, and suddenly the time used to apply makeup at home was replaced by feeding, changing or cleaning up after said children. Now, if putting on makeup is the least distracting thing that I do while driving, we'll all be ok.

What would I like to accomplish this year?

I'd really like to lose those last 10 pounds of baby weight, but that's not really a resolution so much as a continuation of what I've attempted for the last 3 months already. I did go running today, and I remembered as I was running that it was New Year's Day, and the neighbors were probably commenting on that crazy lady and her resolution must be to lose weight/exercise more. The new blister on my foot bears witness to how much I've been running lately.

I need to read my Bible more, and more consistently. It seems like there's never enough time to do what I want to do in a day, but I fimd that I always have time for what I really prioritize. My family needs me to have that time when I can focus my mind & attitude (& attitude, & words, & temper...) on whatever is true, noble, pure, etc.

I need to be more organized. This would need to be broken down into about 47 smaller resolutions, because I need this in every area of my life. My parents and siblings can attest to the fact that I've never been too crazy about picking up clutter, but clutter is starting to make me crazy. I go throw periods where I just really need to throw things away to feel better. Then, a few days later, Matt will ask me where something is and I have to think, "did I throw that away??"

There's a lot I'd like to get done this year, but I start sounding like my own to-do list. Oh trust me, that exists too. We are so hard on ourselves, aren't we? I think I'll just ask God what He wants of me.. Oh wait, He answered that already:
He has told you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justly, to love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8

Happy New Year!

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